The times we remember fondly
The times we remember fondly
Sometimes we wish we could remain in moments that make us happy.
She is gonna scare some people
How could you, she would neveeerrr.
I love it
She's a good lady, really! and thank you. I'm happy you do!
That tongue can catch a bus and her food. Wonder how sanitary that is?
She spreads foul disease wherever she goes
TINA, that was the food for the orphans! Now they will starve!
Not if she eats the orphans
Poor laddie. She deserves better
It's a tough life my friend.
She would win
Also I feel she would genuinly enjoy the DOOM franchise
She has doom 2 on floppy disk on a shitty old mossy computer
Don't you hate it when a clown parasite saves your life from a yellow bird-man mutant?
It's not all bad I guess
Oh shit! Epper is possessed!
I love your work, keep it up!
Nah, just made a new friend
Imagine seeing boob
I had another account once but it was cringe
I wish
I did go there
Costa Rica
Joined on 4/25/22